Fees and charges for our programs are kept to a minimum. The program fee for residential groups staying at Paluma Environmental Education Centre is absorbed in the accommodation cost. Paluma programs provided for groups staying at Gumburu Catholic Environmental Education Centre are charged out at cost-recovery rates.
Day trip and incursion programs incur a small program fee.
Non-State schools or other groups have a differential fee structure to State schools groups. Please contact us for further information.
Catering fees
There is no self-catering available for residential groups, so a catering charge is levied on each participant. Meals are prepared on-site by our catering staff.
Students on day trip or incursion programs generally self-cater.
Kit hire
Some specialist equipment or activities may incur a small additional fee, for example, borrowing our insect trapping or water quality kits for use off-site of Paluma.